The archaeology of material culture, bodies and landscapes
Session format:
Session, made up of a combination of papers, max. 15 minutes each
Re-thinking "interaction" in Iron Age Europe: comparing research traditions to explore alternative ways to interpret archaeological data
The Iron Age in Europe is a crucial period characterised by an increase in social complexity, urbanisation processes, importance of long-distance trading networks and the appearance of written sources. Intensive interaction between socio-cultural groups seems to be a fundamental component of these processes.
“Interaction” is here seen in its broadest sense involving phenomena such as migration, trade, spreading of technologies, religious and funerary practice, art, inter-cultural encounters or conflict, in order to grasp, as far as possible, the full range of socio-cultural implications of interaction between individual social groups.
The session aims to challenge the traditional perception of evidence for interaction, generally driven by traditional, ‘national’ approaches or specific research schools. Nevertheless, it is precisely the diversity of European archaeological approaches that can act as a stimulus for the evaluation and interpretation of the wide diversity of evidence relating to past interaction.
The session particularly welcomes contributions dealing with archaeological approaches to interaction from European Iron Age contexts. We encourage papers dealing either with theoretical concepts of interaction of various sorts, or methodological studies focused on, for example, mobility, analysis of provenance, socio-economic networks, etc. This will allow us to compare and discuss different traditions of study and methodological approaches, so as to explore alternative ways of interpreting the archaeological data. The aim is also to stimulate cooperation between researchers encouraging networking and knowledge sharing.
Iron Age, Europe, Interaction
Session associated with MERC:
Session associated with CIfA:
Session associated with SAfA:
Main organiser:
M.A. Fabio Saccoccio (United Kingdom) 1
Dr. Loup Bernard (France) 2
Dr. Alzbeta Danielisova (Czech Republic) 3
MA Silvia Fogliazza (France) 4
MA Elisa Vecchi (United Kingdom) 1
Dr. Lorenzo Zamboni (Italy) 5
1. University of Nottingham, Department of Classics and Archaeology
2. Université de Strasbourg CNRS UMR 7044 ArcHiMedE
3. Institute of Archaeology CAS, Prague
4. Université Paris Nanterre, Ecole Doctorale “Milieux, cultures et sociétés du passé et du présent”
5. University of Pavia, Department of Humanities